Trees & Plants

Trees & Plants

Tree & Plant Sale

Notice: The Montgomery SWCD WINTER 2024 Tree & Plant Sale is here now!

Each Spring the Montgomery Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) has a Tree & Plant Sale! The sale is a great source of low cost native trees, shrubs and perennials that further the ability of Montgomery County residents to conserve their natural resources, better their soil, benefit pollinators and wildlife, and overall improve the region’s quality of life! The trees and shrubs are bare-rooted and relatively small, which keeps the cost low so that you can get more for your hard-earned money. Also, trees that are transplanted when they are small suffer less stress and will quickly recover and catch up to those moved at a larger size.

We also offers other items during the sale, such as tree tubes, Rain Barrels, and flags to mark your trees.

There is no need to be a Montgomery County resident to buy, but all purchases must be picked up from the Montgomery SWCD office. The sale will be detailed in the Winter ‘Conservation Advocate’ Newsletter each year. To see descriptions of the plants involved in the sale, as well as further details about times and location, VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE. See just what wonderful possibilities you can find for your yard!

Why Plant Native?

Native trees, shrubs and perennials are vital to a healthy environment in many ways. They are host plants (needed caterpillar food) for many species of butterflies and moths. They are important nectar sources for pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds. Many of the trees and shrubs produce fruit or nuts that may be tasty and nutritious for you, birds, other wildlife, or all of the above! Many also provide great bird nesting habitat. If you love feeding the birds, then planting native trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses in your yard would be a great next step to attracting and keeping many species healthy and happy in your yard! Once established, native plants require less care and water because they are adapted to the normal changes in moisture and temperatures of our area. Using plants native to Ohio makes maintaining a beautiful garden easier for you and better for many native species of birds, butterflies and other beneficial insects.

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